Huawei Cloud

Follow these instructions to prepare a cluster for Istio using the Huawei Cloud Container Engine. You can deploy a Kubernetes cluster to Huawei Cloud quickly and easily in the Cloud Container Engine Console, which fully supports Istio.

Following the Huawei Cloud Instructions to prepare a cluster before manually installing Istio, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the CCE console. Choose Dashboard > Buy Cluster to open the Buy Hybrid Cluster page. An alternative way to open that page is to choose Resource Management > Clusters in the navigation pane and click Buy next to Hybrid Cluster.

  2. On the Configure Cluster page, configure cluster parameters. In this example, a majority of parameters retain default values. After the cluster configuration is complete, click Next: Create Node to go to the node creation page.

    The image below shows the GUI where you create and configure the cluster:

    Configure Cluster
    Configure Cluster
  3. On the node creation page, configure the following parameters

    The image below shows the GUI where you create and configure the node:

    Configure Node
    Configure Node
  4. Configure kubectl

  5. Now you can install Istio on CCE cluster according to install guide.

  6. Configure ELB to expose Istio ingress gateway if needed.

    • Create Elastic Load Balancer

    • Bind the ELB instance to istio-ingressgateway service

      Set the ELB instance ID and loadBalancerIP to istio-ingressgateway.

$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: union 4ee43d2b-cec5-4100-89eb-2f77837daa63 # ELB ID ROUND_ROBIN labels: app: istio-ingressgateway unknown istio-system istio: ingressgateway default IngressGateways Reconcile 1.9.0 release: istio name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: istio-system spec: clusterIP: externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster loadBalancerIP: ## ELB EIP ports: - name: status-port nodePort: 32484 port: 15021 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15021 - name: http2 nodePort: 30294 port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 - name: https nodePort: 31301 port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8443 - name: tcp nodePort: 30229 port: 31400 protocol: TCP targetPort: 31400 - name: tls nodePort: 32028 port: 15443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 15443 selector: app: istio-ingressgateway istio: ingressgateway sessionAffinity: None type: LoadBalancer EOF

Start playing with Istio by trying out the various tasks.

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