Install with Helm

We encourage the use of Helm to install Istio for production use in ambient mode. To allow controlled upgrades, the control plane and data plane components are packaged and installed separately. (Because the ambient data plane is split across two components, the ztunnel and waypoints, upgrades involve separate steps for these components.)


  1. Check the Platform-Specific Prerequisites.

  2. Install the Helm client, version 3.6 or above.

  3. Configure the Helm repository:

    $ helm repo add istio
    $ helm repo update

Install the control plane

Default configuration values can be changed using one or more --set <parameter>=<value> arguments. Alternatively, you can specify several parameters in a custom values file using the --values <file> argument.

Full details on how to use and customize Helm installations are available in the sidecar installation documentation.

Unlike istioctl profiles, which group together components to be installed or removed, Helm profiles simply set groups of configuration values.

Base components

The base chart contains the basic CRDs and cluster roles required to set up Istio. This should be installed prior to any other Istio component.

$ helm install istio-base istio/base -n istio-system --create-namespace --wait

Install or upgrade the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs

Note that the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs do not come installed by default on most Kubernetes clusters, so make sure they are installed before using the Gateway API:

$ kubectl get crd &> /dev/null || \
  { kubectl apply -f; }

istiod control plane

The istiod chart installs a revision of Istiod. Istiod is the control plane component that manages and configures the proxies to route traffic within the mesh.

$ helm install istiod istio/istiod --namespace istio-system --set profile=ambient --wait

CNI node agent

The cni chart installs the Istio CNI node agent. It is responsible for detecting the pods that belong to the ambient mesh, and configuring the traffic redirection between pods and the ztunnel node proxy (which will be installed later).

$ helm install istio-cni istio/cni -n istio-system --set profile=ambient --wait

Install the data plane

ztunnel DaemonSet

The ztunnel chart installs the ztunnel DaemonSet, which is the node proxy component of Istio’s ambient mode.

$ helm install ztunnel istio/ztunnel -n istio-system --wait

Ingress gateway (optional)

To install an ingress gateway, run the command below:

$ helm install istio-ingress istio/gateway -n istio-ingress --create-namespace --wait

If your Kubernetes cluster doesn’t support the LoadBalancer service type (type: LoadBalancer) with a proper external IP assigned, run the above command without the --wait parameter to avoid the infinite wait. See Installing Gateways for in-depth documentation on gateway installation.


To view supported configuration options and documentation, run:

$ helm show values istio/istiod

Verify the installation

Verify the workload status

After installing all the components, you can check the Helm deployment status with:

$ helm ls -n istio-system
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART           APP VERSION
istio-base      istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    base-1.24.0     1.24.0
istio-cni       istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    cni-1.24.0      1.24.0
istiod          istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    istiod-1.24.0   1.24.0
ztunnel         istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    ztunnel-1.24.0  1.24.0

You can check the status of the deployed pods with:

$ kubectl get pods -n istio-system
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
istio-cni-node-g97z5             1/1     Running   0          10m
istiod-5f4c75464f-gskxf          1/1     Running   0          10m
ztunnel-c2z4s                    1/1     Running   0          10m

Verify with the sample application

After installing ambient mode with Helm, you can follow the Deploy the sample application guide to deploy the sample application and ingress gateways, and then you can add your application to the ambient mesh.


You can uninstall Istio and its components by uninstalling the charts installed above.

  1. List all the Istio charts installed in istio-system namespace:

    $ helm ls -n istio-system
    NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART           APP VERSION
    istio-base      istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    base-1.24.0     1.24.0
    istio-cni       istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    cni-1.24.0      1.24.0
    istiod          istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    istiod-1.24.0   1.24.0
    ztunnel         istio-system    1           2024-04-17 22:14:45.964722028 +0000 UTC deployed    ztunnel-1.24.0  1.24.0
  2. (Optional) Delete any Istio gateway chart installations:

    $ helm delete istio-ingress -n istio-ingress
    $ kubectl delete namespace istio-ingress
  3. Delete the ztunnel chart:

    $ helm delete ztunnel -n istio-system
  4. Delete the Istio CNI chart:

    $ helm delete istio-cni -n istio-system
  5. Delete the istiod control plane chart:

    $ helm delete istiod -n istio-system
  6. Delete the Istio base chart:

    $ helm delete istio-base -n istio-system
  7. Delete CRDs installed by Istio (optional)

    $ kubectl get crd -oname | grep --color=never '' | xargs kubectl delete
  8. Delete the istio-system namespace:

    $ kubectl delete namespace istio-system
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