
If you no longer need Istio and associated resources, you can delete them by following the steps in this section.

Remove the ambient and waypoint labels

The label to instruct Istio to automatically include applications in the default namespace to an ambient mesh is not removed by default. If no longer needed, use the following command to remove it:

$ kubectl label namespace default
$ kubectl label namespace default

Remove waypoint proxies

To remove waypoint proxies, installed policies, and uninstall Istio, run the following commands:

$ istioctl waypoint delete --all

Uninstall Istio

To uninstall Istio:

$ istioctl uninstall -y --purge
$ kubectl delete namespace istio-system

Remove the sample application

To delete the Bookinfo sample application and the curl deployment, run the following:

$ kubectl delete -f samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-versions.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f samples/curl/curl.yaml

Remove the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs

Remove the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs:

$ kubectl delete -f
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