Clean up
If you no longer need Istio and associated resources, you can delete them by following the steps in this section.
Remove waypoint proxies
To remove all waypoint proxies run the following commands:
$ kubectl label namespace default
$ istioctl waypoint delete --all
Remove the namespace from the ambient data plane
The label that instructs Istio to automatically include applications in the default
namespace to the ambient mesh is not removed when you remove Istio. Use the following command to remove it:
$ kubectl label namespace default
You must remove workloads from the ambient data plane before uninstalling Istio.
Remove the sample application
To delete the Bookinfo sample application and the curl
deployment, run the following:
$ kubectl delete httproute reviews
$ kubectl delete authorizationpolicy productpage-viewer
$ kubectl delete -f @samples/curl/curl.yaml@
$ kubectl delete -f @samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml@
$ kubectl delete -f @samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-versions.yaml@
$ kubectl delete -f @samples/bookinfo/gateway-api/bookinfo-gateway.yaml@
Uninstall Istio
To uninstall Istio:
$ istioctl uninstall -y --purge
$ kubectl delete namespace istio-system
Remove the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs
Remove the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs:
$ kubectl delete -f