Istio Announces Winners of 2023 Steering Committee Election

Announcing the newest Istio Steering Committee members.

Aug 16, 2023 | By Istio Steering Committee

The Istio Steering Committee is pleased to announce the four winners of the 2023 election for Community Seats. The winners are:

The winners will serve on the Steering Committee for one year, starting on September 1, 2023. They will be responsible for helping to guide the development and governance of Istio, the world’s most popular service mesh.

The election was held in August 2023, and was open to any member of the Istio community who submitted a pull request or made other significant project contributions. Over 120 eligible voters evaluated the candidates on their contributions to Istio, their experience in open source governance, and their commitment to the project’s mission.

In addition to the four Community Seats, the Istio Steering Committee also consists of nine Contribution Seats, which are awarded proportionally to organizations which made significant contributions to the project. The Contribution Seats for 2023 are held by:

The Steering Committee congratulates the winners of the election, and looks forward to working with them to continue to grow and improve Istio as a successful and sustainable open source project. We encourage everyone to get involved in the Istio community, contribute, vote, and help us shape the future of service mesh.

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