gRPC Proxyless Service Mesh

Introduction to Istio support for gRPC's proxyless service mesh features.

Oct 28, 2021 | By Steven Landow - Google

Istio dynamically configures its Envoy sidecar proxies using a set of discovery APIs, collectively known as the xDS APIs. These APIs aim to become a universal data-plane API. The gRPC project has significant support for the xDS APIs, which means you can manage gRPC workloads without having to deploy an Envoy sidecar along with them. You can learn more about the integration in a KubeCon EU 2021 talk from Megan Yahya. The latest updates on gRPC’s support can be found in their proposals along with implementation status.

Istio 1.11 adds experimental support for adding gRPC services directly to the mesh. We support basic service discovery, some VirtualService based traffic policy, and mutual TLS.

Supported Features

The current implementation of the xDS APIs within gRPC is limited in some areas compared to Envoy. The following features should work, although this is not an exhaustive list and other features may have partial functionality:

Other features including faults, retries, timeouts, mirroring and rewrite rules may be supported in a future release. Some of these features are awaiting implementation in gRPC, and others require work in Istio to support. The status of xDS features in gRPC can be found here. The status of Istio’s support will exist in future official docs.

Architecture Overview

Diagram of how gRPC services communicate with the istiod
Diagram of how gRPC services communicate with the istiod

Although this doesn’t use a proxy for data plane communication, it still requires an agent for initialization and communication with the control-plane. First, the agent generates a bootstrap file at startup the same way it would generate bootstrap for Envoy. This tells the gRPC library how to connect to istiod, where it can find certificates for data plane communication, and what metadata to send to the control plane. Next, the agent acts as an xDS proxy, connecting and authenticating with istiod on the application’s behalf. Finally, the agent fetches and rotates certificates used in data plane traffic.

Changes to application code

To enable the xDS features in gRPC, there are a handful of required changes your application must make. Your gRPC version should be at least 1.39.0.

In the client

The following side-effect import will register the xDS resolvers and balancers within gRPC. It should be added in your main package or in the same package calling grpc.Dial.

import _ ""

When creating a gRPC connection the URL must use the xds:/// scheme.

conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, "xds:///foo.ns.svc.cluster.local:7070")

Additionally, for (m)TLS support, a special TransportCredentials option has to be passed to DialContext. The FallbackCreds allow us to succeed when istiod doesn’t send security config.

import ""


creds, err := xds.NewClientCredentials(xds.ClientOptions{
FallbackCreds: insecure.NewCredentials()
// handle err
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(

On the server

To support server-side configurations, such as mTLS, there are a couple of modifications that must be made.

First, we use a special constructor to create the GRPCServer:

import ""


server = xds.NewGRPCServer()
RegisterFooServer(server, &fooServerImpl)

If your protoc generated Go code is out of date, you may need to regenerate it to be compatible with the xDS server. Your generated RegisterFooServer function should look like the following:

func RegisterFooServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar, srv FooServer) {
s.RegisterService(&FooServer_ServiceDesc, srv)

Finally, as with the client-side changes, we must enable security support:

creds, err := xds.NewServerCredentials(xdscreds.ServerOptions{FallbackCreds: insecure.NewCredentials()})
// handle err
server = xds.NewGRPCServer(grpc.Creds(creds))

In your Kubernetes Deployment

Assuming your application code is compatible, the Pod simply needs the annotation grpc-agent. This adds a sidecar container running the agent described above, and some environment variables that gRPC uses to find the bootstrap file and enable certain features.

For gRPC servers, your Pod should also be annotated with '{"holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts": true}' to make sure the in-agent xDS proxy and bootstrap file are ready before your gRPC server is initialized.


In this guide you will deploy echo, an application that already supports both server-side and client-side proxyless gRPC. With this app you can try out some supported traffic policies enabling mTLS.


This guide requires the Istio (1.11+) control plane to be installed before proceeding.

Deploy the application

Create an injection-enabled namespace echo-grpc. Next deploy two instances of the echo app as well as the Service.

$ kubectl create namespace echo-grpc
$ kubectl label namespace echo-grpc istio-injection=enabled
$ kubectl -n echo-grpc apply -f samples/grpc-echo/grpc-echo.yaml

Make sure the two pods are running:

$ kubectl -n echo-grpc get pods
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
echo-v1-69d6d96cb7-gpcpd   2/2     Running   0          58s
echo-v2-5c6cbf6dc7-dfhcb   2/2     Running   0          58s

Test the gRPC resolver

First, port-forward 17171 to one of the Pods. This port is a non-xDS backed gRPC server that allows making requests from the port-forwarded Pod.

$ kubectl -n echo-grpc port-forward $(kubectl -n echo-grpc get pods -l version=v1 -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}') 17171 &

Next, we can fire off a batch of 5 requests:

$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "xds:///echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local:7070", "count": 5}' :17171 proto.EchoTestService/ForwardEcho | jq -r '.output | join("")'  | grep Hostname
Handling connection for 17171
[0 body] Hostname=echo-v1-7cf5b76586-bgn6t
[1 body] Hostname=echo-v2-cf97bd94d-qf628
[2 body] Hostname=echo-v1-7cf5b76586-bgn6t
[3 body] Hostname=echo-v2-cf97bd94d-qf628
[4 body] Hostname=echo-v1-7cf5b76586-bgn6t

You can also use Kubernetes-like name resolution for short names:

$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "xds:///echo:7070"}' :17171 proto.EchoTestService/ForwardEcho | jq -r '.output | join
("")'  | grep Hostname
[0 body] Hostname=echo-v1-7cf5b76586-ltr8q
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "xds:///echo.echo-grpc:7070"}' :17171 proto.EchoTestService/ForwardEcho | jq -r
'.output | join("")'  | grep Hostname
[0 body] Hostname=echo-v1-7cf5b76586-ltr8q
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "xds:///echo.echo-grpc.svc:7070"}' :17171 proto.EchoTestService/ForwardEcho | jq -r
'.output | join("")'  | grep Hostname
[0 body] Hostname=echo-v2-cf97bd94d-jt5mf

Creating subsets with destination rule

First, create a subset for each version of the workload.

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: DestinationRule
  name: echo-versions
  namespace: echo-grpc
  host: echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local
  - name: v1
      version: v1
  - name: v2
      version: v2

Traffic shifting

Using the subsets defined above, you can send 80 percent of the traffic to a specific version:

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: VirtualService
  name: echo-weights
  namespace: echo-grpc
  - echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local
  - route:
    - destination:
        host: echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local
        subset: v1
      weight: 20
    - destination:
        host: echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local
        subset: v2
      weight: 80

Now, send a set of 10 requests:

$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "xds:///echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local:7070", "count": 10}' :17171 proto.EchoTestService/ForwardEcho | jq -r '.output | join("")'  | grep ServiceVersion

The response should contain mostly v2 responses:

[0 body] ServiceVersion=v2
[1 body] ServiceVersion=v2
[2 body] ServiceVersion=v1
[3 body] ServiceVersion=v2
[4 body] ServiceVersion=v1
[5 body] ServiceVersion=v2
[6 body] ServiceVersion=v2
[7 body] ServiceVersion=v2
[8 body] ServiceVersion=v2
[9 body] ServiceVersion=v2

Enabling mTLS

Due to the changes to the application itself required to enable security in gRPC, Istio’s traditional method of automatically detecting mTLS support is unreliable. For this reason, the initial release requires explicitly enabling mTLS on both the client and server.

To enable client-side mTLS, apply a DestinationRule with tls settings:

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: DestinationRule
  name: echo-mtls
  namespace: echo-grpc
  host: echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local
      mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL

Now an attempt to call the server that is not yet configured for mTLS will fail.

$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "xds:///echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local:7070"}' :17171 proto.EchoTestService/ForwardEcho | jq -r '.output | join("")'
Handling connection for 17171
Code: Unknown
Message: 1/1 requests had errors; first error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = all SubConns are in TransientFailure

To enable server-side mTLS, apply a PeerAuthentication.

$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: PeerAuthentication
  name: echo-mtls
  namespace: echo-grpc
    mode: STRICT

Requests will start to succeed after applying the policy.

$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"url": "xds:///echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local:7070"}' :17171 proto.EchoTestService/ForwardEcho | jq -r '.output | join("")'
Handling connection for 17171
[0] grpcecho.Echo(&{xds:///echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local:7070 map[] 0  5s false })
[0 body] x-request-id=0
[0 body] Host=echo.echo-grpc.svc.cluster.local:7070
[0 body] content-type=application/grpc
[0 body] user-agent=grpc-go/1.39.1
[0 body] StatusCode=200
[0 body] ServiceVersion=v1
[0 body] ServicePort=17070
[0 body] Cluster=
[0 body] IP=
[0 body] IstioVersion=
[0 body] Echo=
[0 body] Hostname=echo-v1-7cf5b76586-z5p8l


The initial release comes with several limitations that may be fixed in a future version:


Experiment Setup


p50 latency comparison chart
p50 latency comparison chart
p99 latency comparison chart
p99 latency comparison chart

There is a marginal increase in latency when using the proxyless gRPC resolvers. Compared to Envoy this is a massive improvement that still allows for advanced traffic management features and mTLS.

istio-proxy container resource usage

Client mCPUClient Memory (MiB)Server mCPUServer Memory (MiB)
Envoy Plaintext320.4466.93243.7864.91
Envoy mTLS340.8766.76309.8264.82
Proxyless Plaintext0.7223.540.8424.31
Proxyless mTLS0.7325.050.7825.43

Even though we still require an agent, the agent uses less than 0.1% of a full vCPU, and only 25 MiB of memory, which is less than half of what running Envoy requires.

These metrics don’t include additional resource usage by gRPC in the application container, but serve to demonstrate the resource usage impact of the istio-agent when running in this mode.

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